Part 2- 5 ways to Make Him know.
We all feel more comfortable at our own home. We have our favorite chair; we can fix a drink and kick our feet up on the coffee table. Let's be honest -- it's just more comfortable at home. We reserve the,"Let's hangout at your place," to when our house is a wreck and needs to be cleaned, our crazy aunt is in town visiting, or we just got in another argument with our spouse.
Why do we think that our churches are any different? I remember every time I visited a church for the first time. It always seemed to feel a little awkward. I didn't know anyone, and everyone else seemed like they were already best friends. I never felt like I was dressed right; everyone else had on their "Sunday Best". I didn't know what to expect from the guy on the stage with the title "Pastor." I wasn't sure if that particular Sunday's message was going to be about the grace and love Jesus has for us all or if the pastor was going to call on me to stand up and point out my sins in front of the congregation.
Churches hold all types of special events as a way to have people come over and hang out at their house. I'm not knocking it -- I know that many people have met Jesus at these events and have become a part of church families. I know a lot of prayer, time, energy, and finances go into putting these events together.
But, how about we just go hang out at their house? As we look through scripture we see that Jesus made it a point to go where the lost, broken, and hurting were. (John 4:1-26, John 5: 1-15, Mark 2:15-17) Let's do the same. I'm not talking about going around the neighborhood knocking on doors and inviting them to our church. I am not talking about standing outside the movie theater handing out tracks with our church information stamped on the back. Once again, nothing is wrong with either of those options. Why don't we just try something a little different? Let us set up in front of our local Wal-Mart or grocery store and give away free hotdogs & hamburgers and let people know that Jesus loves them. How about a REAL FREE car wash? Everyone gets a little note that reminds them that His grace sufficient. Maybe we could give out water bottles on a hot summer day at the traffic light in town or hot chocolate and coffee on a cold morning. Let's attach a reminder to the cups that tells them Jesus has a plan for their life and longs to be in relationship with them. Let's tell them that He loves them no matter where they are from, what they have done, and how far they feel away from him. Are we willing to hang out at their place?
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