Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Run Your Mouth

5 Ways To Make Him Known
Part 3: Run Your Mouth
Brandon Goff

Have you ever met that person that just won't stop talking about something? It's usually one thing that has them so fixated that they can't discuss anything else. For me, sometimes that is the new NBC hit The Blacklist. I watched the first episode of the series, and was instantly hooked. I immediately began talking about it, discussing storylines with others I knew that watched, and have even gotten many friends hooked on the show since. For one friends birthday I even paid for him to catch up on the entire season so he wouldn't miss out! In fact, at a wedding this past weekend, I was telling another friend about it. I'm that annoying guy that always runs his mouth about something...something that interests him and engages him!

Down south we call that "Running Your Mouth". I think it's time we all begin running our mouths a little more actually. Sometimes we are just way too quiet. No we aren't quiet about our political stance, our opinion about the teen mom down the street, nor are we quiet about the rising prices of everything we need to survive. No... those things we are heard loud and clear! But as soon as we start talking about Jesus and the grace and mercy of God, we aren't heard many times...why? Because we are running our mouths too much about the wrong things, causing others to ignore the important stuff we say!

"What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person." (Matthew 15:18, ESV, emphasis added)

When we run our mouths about something we are actually giving people a glimpse into our hearts. We are asking them to come and see what makes us tick, makes us work. When we run our mouths it WILL define us, and it will give people a glimpse into your heart. So, I ask the question...what are you running your mouth about? If what we say is an overflow of the heart, here my is idea...why doesn't the church run it's mouth about the grace and love of God a little more?

Do you want to make HIM and your church known? Here's what you do...give people a glimpse into your heart! Don't just wait for them to come to your church, but do what the previous posts have discussed, build relationships and go to where they are; and RUN YOUR MOUTH! Run your mouth about how the cross saved your life. Run your mouth about how God believes in you so much He gave you access to Him anytime you need it! Run your mouth about how your church has given you a place to belong and a family to be included in. Run your mouth about how the Holy Spirit guides your steps, and even when you mess up He guides you in the right direction to help you grow.

This week... RUN YOUR MOUTH!!

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