So what is Branding? Keeping it simple, Branding is communicating clearly who you are. Too many times we can get lost in the midst of complexity. Simplicity is key and most times very difficult. Can you define your ministry in 2-3 words? Once you are able to clearly define your ministry, how do you make sure that your community knows who you are. Lets look at the what may seem to be the obvious but many times over looked, Consistency. You must stay consistent with your brand and your message. The people in your community need to know that you message doesn't waiver and change, that your mission stays on course.
I was speaking with a pastor friend of mine the other day about a outreach they had done in the community. As part of the outreach, they were giving away water bottles on a hot summer day in a busy part of town. All the water bottles had a custom sticker on them with the just the church logo, location and times of church service and simple invitation. One man that received a water bottle said " I notice you guys are always doing things like this for our community, thanks! " People notice ministries that are consistent in their message.
We are in a time that is vastly different from what it was only 10 years ago. 80% of people are finding a church to visit online. No longer is the family packing up in the car and driving around town to look for a church. The are going to your website. What will be their impression of you when they get their? Make sure the message of your church is clear, simple and consistant in every aspect of your branding. From flyers, mailings, social media, promotional items and even water bottles, the brand you convey across media, print and web is continually defining you to your community.
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